Monday, December 2, 2013

Don't get distracted

Rich Von Voigt
Riverhead, New York

In this modern era of electronics and personal devices, we’re all busy texting and checking apps. Just about everyone has a smartphone, handheld computer, and some type of recording/playing and listening device hanging off their body. 

As LEOs, we are certainly no different than everyone else in that regard—we have these things in order to have access to our sports, news, and other information. But unlike Joe Citizen, we still need to pay attention to our police radio, computer, and the rest of the world moving around us.

Don’t let all this modern technology distract you from what's important now. Pay attention keep your eyes moving away from the computer, or that cell phone. Use your mirrors on the cruiser even when you are not driving, you know those eyes on the back of your head.

The things that get officers hurt the most are, complacency, distractions, hesitation, and being unprofessional. Pay attention out there. 

Be safe, and “think tactical always.”

As another poster once said, “Get your head out of your Apps.”

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